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A stable and performant network brings business productivity, efficiency, and an IT manager’s ease of mind. Business continuity is critical and a failing network often results in loss of productivity and downtime which is equal to losing money.

With IP as our oxygen, we love taking our customers on a road trip towards the network of the future. Starting from a network design, we grow into a well-thought-out architecture which is fully future and cloud proof. 100% at the client’s pace.

Our network skills cover many different domains; from campus or data center networking, to wired or wireless and office or industrial environments. Each with their own challenges, but none being kryptonite to our engineers. 


The idea of a world without Wi-Fi seems almost unimaginable in today’s interconnected society. Wi-Fi has become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to access information, communicate with others, and conduct business transactions with ease. It has revolutionised the way we work, learn, and interact with one another.

However, it’s important to remember that Wi-Fi is not infallible, and in a world without wired ethernet connectivity, it becomes the last, but most crucial, resort. That’s why at our company, we work closely with our customers to design, implement, and maintain a well-thought-out wifi architecture that ensures business continuity and smooth processes, without compromising the quality of the connection.

We understand that a stable, reliable, and fast wifi connection is essential for businesses to operate efficiently and effectively. That’s why we use the latest technologies and industry best practices to create customised solutions that meet the unique needs of each client. We take a comprehensive approach to wifi architecture, considering factors such as building layout, network traffic, and security protocols to ensure optimal performance and maximum uptime.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing top-notch service, from initial consultation to ongoing maintenance and support. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs, identify potential issues, and develop solutions that are tailored to their specific requirements.

In short, at our company, we understand the critical role that wifi plays in today’s world. That’s why we are committed to delivering the highest quality wifi architecture services to ensure that businesses can operate seamlessly and without interruption, even in a world without wired ethernet connectivity.


Your organisation’s wired network serves as a critical link to the central nervous system of your business. Without a reliable and stable network, your entire operation could be at risk. At our company, we bring decades of experience and cutting-edge technology by partnering with industry-leading brands to assist our customers in building secure and stable network infrastructures.

Whether you are seeking a basic office setup or a complex data center solution, from educational institutions to retail establishments, our skilled engineers have the expertise and knowledge to design, implement, and manage networks with ease. We understand that a stable network is essential for the smooth functioning of any business, and we strive to deliver solutions that meet the unique needs of each of our customers. With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you can rest assured that your network is in good hands with us.

Network Access Control

Business networks are changing rapidly, causing new threats to emerge, and creating unknown risks that network managers need to consider.

By implementing Network Access Control (NAC) in a customers’ network, we can ensure that only authenticated and authorised devices get secure access and can communicate with the network in a secure and compliant manner.

The expansion of remote working, guest users and BYOD can make complete network visibility hard to achieve. NAC can tackle this blind spot and gain visibility as it maps all connected devices, the user profiles, and their assigned policies.

From a security perspective, NAC minimises the growing threats from cyber attacks by excluding unauthorised or suspicious actors or downgrading their policies. When an endpoint is affected by an attack, it can be neutralised and quarantined by NAC so lateral movement throughout the network can be restricted.

Network Automation

In today’s fast-paced business world, managing a company’s network can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive task. IT departments can spend a significant amount of time and effort maintaining the network, leaving little time for revenue-generating activities or strategic initiatives.

By leveraging automation tools and technologies, companies can streamline network management tasks, reduce manual errors, and free up IT staff to focus on more valuable activities.

At Syntory, we specialise in helping customers implement network automation solutions that are tailored to their unique needs and requirements. In cooperation with the customer, our team of experts can identify pain points and bottlenecks in your network management processes, and develop a customised automation strategy that improves efficiency and reduces downtime.

Whether you need help with network configuration and provisioning, security and compliance, or troubleshooting and remediation, our network automation solutions can help you achieve your goals. By automating routine tasks and processes, we can help you reduce the risk of human error, improve network uptime, and ensure consistent performance across your infrastructure.



  1. Real people and events told for entertainment
  2. The commercial prospects or circumstances of a particular company



  1. The combination of components or elements to form a connected whole