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Gmail and Yahoo boost email security: What you need to know

In our connected world, email is a lifeline for communication, and companies are continually working to enhance email security. In a significant move, Gmail and Yahoo are taking extra steps to tighten the reins on email regulations, making it even safer for users. Let’s dive into the recent updates and understand how these changes can benefit you. 

New rules effective February 2nd, 2024:

To combat the growing challenges posed by bulk senders, Gmail and Yahoo are introducing new rules aimed at preventing their emails from flooding your inbox. The focus is on improving security measures and making it easier for users to identify the source of emails within the intricate web of the internet. 

  • Authentication: Bulk senders must now follow DKIM principles to strongly authenticate their emails, ensuring that only genuine communications reach your inbox.  
  • Easy Unsubscription:  A one-click unsubscribe option will be mandatory for customers, providing a hassle-free way to opt out of mailings. 
  • Wanted Email: Gmail is enforcing a spam threshold to keep unwanted mail away from inboxes, ensuring a more pleasant email experience. 

General email rules for everyone:

Whether you’re a Gmail or Yahoo user or using any other email service, certain rules apply to everyone for a safer email environment:  

  • Set up SPF or DKIM email authentication for your domain. 
  • Ensure domains or IPs sending emails have proper DNS records (PTR records). 

Additional guidelines for bulk senders:

For those sending emails in bulk, these additional guidelines are crucial:  

  • Set up SPF and DKIM email authentication. 
  • Verify valid forward and reverse DNS records for sending domains or IPs. 
  • Use TLS connections for secure email transmission. 
  • Keep reported spam rates below 0.10% for good email delivery. 
  • Align the sender’s From: header with SPF domain or DKIM domain for DMARC alignment. 
  • Offer one-click unsubscribe and a clearly visible link in marketing and subscribed messages.


Not Sure About DKIM, SPF, DNS, and DMARC? Get more info here. 

These new rules play a crucial role in maintaining email hygiene and adhering to industry standards. For additional information on email sanity, DKIM, SPF, and DMARC, feel free to contact us at Your email security is our priority! 

*TLS, or Transport Layer Security, is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide confidentiality, integrity, and authentication for communication over a computer network. In simpler terms, it helps ensure that your online interactions are secure and private.

**ARC headers are like detective work for emails. They track the mail’s journey, checking its authenticity at each stop with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. This helps prevent forged emails and ensures you’re talking to who you think you are. While not yet everywhere, ARC is building trust in email one message at a time.



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